HELP!! I'm bored out of my mind!! I hate staying home "resting". UGH!! Damn, doctor call me already. How ironic last week I said "I need a break", well not this kind of break. I was thinking more along the lines of DCA-NAS, NAS-GHB, little cottage, warm breeze, pink sand, snorkel, mask & fins!!
I don't have a good book to read (or one that I can read through the vicodin/phenergan glasses), Sudoku is getting boring, there is NOTHING on TV during the day...that's right I have 800 channels of NOTHING...I don't have any **FUN** projects to work on, UGH!! I'm bored!!
Sitting at the computer too long makes me writhe in pain when I get up, my fingernails are getting too long to type fast, eating makes me want to vomit...
Okay enough bitching and moaning!! I should go call the doctors office to see if my ultrasound results are in and find out if I need to go back for the TV Ultrasound that they DIDN'T do yesterday but was on my doctors orders...yeah, now who's the smart one??
So the good doctor tells me I don't have a hernia (yeah!!). I have an intestinal infection (like a tummy bug, but much worse). If I haven't improved significantly by Monday I am to call and get some antibiotics. Guess that means my couch potato days are over and it's off to work I go (after the weekend of course!!).
I don't have a good book to read (or one that I can read through the vicodin/phenergan glasses), Sudoku is getting boring, there is NOTHING on TV during the day...that's right I have 800 channels of NOTHING...I don't have any **FUN** projects to work on, UGH!! I'm bored!!
Sitting at the computer too long makes me writhe in pain when I get up, my fingernails are getting too long to type fast, eating makes me want to vomit...
Okay enough bitching and moaning!! I should go call the doctors office to see if my ultrasound results are in and find out if I need to go back for the TV Ultrasound that they DIDN'T do yesterday but was on my doctors orders...yeah, now who's the smart one??
So the good doctor tells me I don't have a hernia (yeah!!). I have an intestinal infection (like a tummy bug, but much worse). If I haven't improved significantly by Monday I am to call and get some antibiotics. Guess that means my couch potato days are over and it's off to work I go (after the weekend of course!!).
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